
Faculty of the Mind

Category: /General/
In the faculty of the mind a furious war rages on
Day and night between the thoughts that seek
To bind those that yearn for freedom's light.

The chains of fear, the shackles of pain
The weights that hold us down and the stains of
Memories that refuse to fade away that quickly
Where thoughts and emotions are in constant conflict
The ghosts that haunt us and the demons we've made.

But still the rebel mind cries for its liberty
And for the open skies it yearns for the power to
Choose, to rise above and to soar on eagle's wings
To spread our love like a highly welcomed wild fire.

So let us profusely nurture this faculty
This mind that is capable of tenacity
Let us feed it hope, and starve it fear
And watch it rise like a clear phoenix.

For in its depths a fire burns a flame
That flickers still, no matter the shame
A spark that glows and a light that shines
Guiding us on through out life's twisted vines.

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