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Wed, 22 May 2024

Category » /General/

In the faculty of the mind a furious war rages on

Day and night between the thoughts that seek

To bind those that yearn for freedom's light.

The chains of fear, the shackles of pain

The weights that hold us down and the stains of

Memories that refuse to fade ... more


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Wed, 22 May 2024

Category » /General/

In the faculty of the mind a furious war rages

Day and night between the thoughts that seek

To bind those that yearn for freedom's light.

The chains of fear, the shackles of pain

The weights that hold us down and the stains of

Memories that refuse to fade away ... more


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Mon, 07 May 2018

Category » /General/

This type of comrades have an attenuated relationship

To the truth and depict themselves as congenital liars

Who have disagreed with our version of objective reality

They are clearly in an exclusive category all by themselves

They base vast numbers of decisions on ... more


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