
Spiritual Legacy

Category: /General/

I thank God for whom I serve,
And having a clear conscience;
With blessings, I do not deserve,
But confessed through repentance.

In my prayers both night and day,
I remember constantly;
Faith strengthens me not to stray,
My faith remains fervently.

For I remember the tears,
Since I am longing to see;
Joy filled coming from my fears,
Godly trust that sets me free.

Keep a faith that is sincere,
A faith that is dwelling first;
A faith that dwells to revere,
Causing you in Christ to thirst.

This is why I remind you,
To fan the flame of the gift;
Stir up knowing what is true,
To motivate and uplift.

God has given you a soul,
Not of fear but that of love;
The power of self-control,
That is entrusted thereof.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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