
The pandemic is not over yet

Category: /General/

The pandemic is not over yet
You who think why deaths disappeared due to coronavirus, do not be fooled, because everything changes.
Man cannot remain quiet, he does not want to reestablish contacts with Nature, and because of wanting to change forests for pastures, or wanting to be the only intelligent being, he ends up abandoning our animal and vegetable friends.
The pandemic is not over, it is in a critical state.
People want to return soon, due to elections and to guarantee savings. But without lives, water or faith we have nothing more to say.
Time roars in an unreasonable way, and our logic asks us to go slower.
Now, at the end of 2020, other viruses will come, as Man with Nature comes to devastate, to end what unites us. It will let new viruses come from the world's forests on fire, from icebergs that are melted by the increase of gases such as CO and CO² - Monoxide and carbon dioxide, which kills the breath, does not cause the correct photosynthesis, and our food go away. We will eat clay, oil, gold and the grains we will no longer see, as they have become coal.

Handwritten poetry on September 15th.
I offer Greta, Adilson Mikami, to environmentalists around the world, and GOD.
Téka Castro

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