
Inclusion and Public Education of the São Paulo State Network

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Inclusion and Public Education of the São Paulo State Network

Seeing the discrepancies of our students, in the state public network, in terms of gifted skills, or in double issues, gifted and deaf, an example that I read in a graduate course - Grupo Faveni - came to mind the idea of ​​seeking to know more and disclose that, despite the changes that the State Department of Education of SP, provided for this year 2020, we still have the issue of teachers' salaries, the question of a supporter in the area of ​​psychology, and others at school, because everything is in charge of the teacher, who often do not have all the adequacy, and time, to assume other educational obstacles besides their daily discipline.
Not to mention, that the classrooms, today with a maximum of 40 students, should not exceed 25, if there were people with needs, to teach.
This is tiring for teachers, and something that does not provide any learning for these students themselves.
The Salamanca Declaration and other studies, really show how to provide students with special needs, better learning, and not to mention that it is up to the family, to take them to the facilities, in the workshops where they work with specials. (https://www.educabrasil.com.br/declaracao-de-salamanca/ - https://www.google.com/search?q=apaes&oq=apaes&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.2667j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 - https://www.google.com/search?q=entidades+que+auxiliam+crian%C3%A7as+portadoras+de+especiales Necessidades+no+Brazil&oq=entidades+que+auxiliam+crian%C3%A7as + carriers + of + special + needs + in + Brazil + & aqs = chrome..69i57.34407j1j9 & sourceid = chrome & ie = UTF-8), where they can help to improve the conditions of these children.
There are special children and teenagers, who do not get out of hospital beds, I got some between 2000/2001, at Hospital São Paulo, and at Pedriatria do Nossa Senhora de Lourdes, currently São Luís, in Jabaquara. Children who would like to go to school but could not because of their syndromes, disorders and others. I met at the time a beautiful teenager of 14 years old, who had Cystic cystosis (https://www.google.com/search?q=cistose+c%C3%ADstica&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjM37jTmcfnAhVuLLkGHSAFCIEQBSgAegQICxAp&biw=2566) he could not leave the hospital due to his respiratory conditions.
So, even though I am a professor in the area of ​​Natural Sciences, Chemistry, I am still aware of inclusion, because I had children, nephews, who experienced and experience such conditions, and I am concerned in every way the issue in which I am inserted as a public employee, state school teacher, and mother.
I ask our politicians to review the question of our salary, the question of the reduction of classrooms when there are people with special needs, and so to act in accordance with the LDB and our country's Inclusion Law.


Written after reading a postgraduate article in the field of neuropsychopedagogy of the Faveni Institution - https://posfaveni.com/

Tereza Cristina Gonçalves Mendes Castro.
Chemistry Professor and writer.
Mother and aunt of special beings, beings of light.
Peace and good.
São Paulo, February 10, 2020.

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